BSidesDC 2021 - Best laid plans and construction
We at BSidesDC have been working over the last year hoping and trying to figure out how to make an in-person con of some sort work out. We went ahead with a Call for Papers, started working on sponsors, and generally started building the framework for the conference. And then we had a MAJOR bump in the road. The hotel called us and let us know that our entire conference space is under renovation and won’t be done in time for the conference.
The hotel was great, giving us options for other possible spaces (mostly smaller than we currently have) and also gave us the option of delaying for another year. With variants of the virus on the rise, the general hesitancy of everyone to do onsite events, and where things stand currently we had a lot of considering to do. Our entire board got together and discussed pros and cons and we all eventually came to the conclusion that we don’t want to put on a con that is a shadow of what it usually is. So given that, we have made the decision to be cautious and postpone again until next year.
We sincerely hope that 2022 we come back to the same con we’re used to and that everyone is out of whatever this life is that we’re currently experiencing. Or at the very least that we have figured out what our type of events are going to be moving forward.
In the meantime, we have 6 years of archived content from our previous conferences on our YouTube channel ( ) and we’re working on some online additions to what we do (including this blog) that may bridge the time.
Keep an eye on this blog and our twitter feed ( ) for announcements on next year.
We’ll see you in October 2022!